I was going home from work. Pouring fine snow. Gusts of wind beautifully circled before the eyes of white snowflakes. I put on the hood and looked at my feet. Mostly puddles froze and lacked more will fall along the road. It is good that now the holidays and the students did not spoil the mood. Yes, and preparing for tomorrow is not necessary. I will prepare dinner for my husband and it will be possible to watch a couple of hours or watch something on television or sit on social networks. My husband will still return from work only after 18. I stopped at a traffic light and looked at the red eye across the road.

I inhaled the frosty air and thought again. It is good that the holidays coincide with the holidays and it turns out to relax. And there is no one to spoil the mood. I never thought that I would become a teacher, but it happened that I ended up at school. It was possible to enter the budget only on the teacher. I can’t believe that I have been teaching history and law in one of the local schools for three years, but I wanted to become a lawyer. And I had to be in school. The green light came on and I slowly crossed the icy road. She looked into the distance. 10 more minutes and I'll be home. I straightened the hood that had fallen into my eyes and walked on. An unpleasant prickly wind blew in the face. I was wrapped in my dark green down jacket. At school, heating was strained to a minimum through eternal savings, although it was dressed warmer anyway.

Broke with some man. I almost hit. I did not see him at all. We must be more attentive. I looked at the road in the vicinity of no one, looked again at the sidewalk, white from the snow, and, as if following a signpost, walked along the trodden path. There was a light in many windows. And I wanted to be in a warm apartment and drink a cup of hot tea. I just sighed and a couple of clubs immediately flew over the wind. A slight tremor went through the body. As I go home I will make myself a big cup of tea. And then still not enough to get sick. And so many students were sick before the holidays and some colleagues went to the hospital.

- Good afternoon, Olga Mikhailovna. - I heard a male voice and looked up.

- Good day. - I replied and peered into the male figure.

- And I'm going home. I think you or not you. And how close came immediately recognized you.

I did not immediately recognize him. In a hat, in a dark blue jacket, buttoned almost under the neck. This is Artem. Immediately and did not know. Changed over the year and a half, as he graduated from school. Even this light stubble made him older. And the student was not bad, always the report asked to be prepared and did not create unnecessary problems in the classroom.

- Do you work or study? - I asked and slowly moved on.

- I study in Lviv on legal. Already in the second year. Now on vacation. And how are you? How is school? Nina Petrovna is also working or retiring, otherwise she said from the 7th grade that she would go to her, otherwise we got her. - he smiled and walked next to me, grimacing from the cold under the gusts of the winter wind.

- Yes, Nina Petrovna cannot be expelled from school. She will still work and work, even if she is over 70. A day later she threatens to retire. - now I smiled and rubbed my hands. - So what do you say. Come to school and see what could have changed. Yes, and I gradually got used to it. At least right away, when I returned home, I told myself that I would go tomorrow and write an application for dismissal. Give such as Taras and Yaroslav from your class could go crazy. Do you know where Angela entered?

I just sighed again. From the cold air shiver passed through the body. Got accustomed to Artyom. Above me half a head, though I am not so small almost 171. Cute gray eyes have an oblong nose. During this time, that I did not see him only matured.

- Did you get cold? - He asked carefully and looked at me so intently. - Let's go to the cafe. I'll tell you everything. And even the most cold.

I thought for a moment. I especially had no hurry. The husband will be back in the evening. And I certainly would not refuse to get warm. I glanced at the large windows of the cafe. There were almost no people. He continued to look at me inquiringly and rubbed his hands nervously.

- Good. - I agreed and nodded her head. - We go here?

- You can and here. I treat.

- Thank.

It’s good that a cafe is a few meters away and you don’t have to go far. I just started once again to correct my hood falling off my eyes, as I felt that I was losing my balance. The foot slips. I managed to separate my hands. Like someone grabbed me hard. I looked up and saw Artyom. He firmly held me by the shoulder and waist. The touch of his hands seemed so pleasant. I myself did not expect such a reaction. Heat excitement passed throughout the body.

- Carefully Olga Mikhailovna. There is one ice. - He poked his foot into the sidewalk and began to raise me.

- Thank. I did not have time to notice. Good that you were there. - I just got up and gradually recovered from an unexpected maneuver. - Thanks again.

- Oh, what's wrong with that. Well, I managed to grab a hundred, and then you never know ...

I stood on my own feet, but his hands held me like that. I glanced at him, he was a little shy, he blushed and with a moment removed his hands. Although his actions were not so agile. Slightly straightened clothes, and we went to the cafe. Artyom opened the door and motioned me to go inside. I smiled at him and entered, he came right behind me. The cafe is almost empty. At one table sat the girls schoolgirls and looked at something on the phone. After another, a loving couple and a lonely man with a big bag quietly in itself missed most likely while waiting for a train or a bus.

It is quite an ordinary interior is not conspicuous. I just took off the hood and unbuttoned my jacket. And then immediately from the street in the room seemed very hot. We sat down at a table near the wall. Artyom also unbuttoned his jacket. He slipped his hat into his pocket and quickly smoothed his brown hair sticking to the sides with his hands. I just smiled at his gesture. She rubbed her hands and tried to sit comfortably. I noticed his views on myself. A little embarrassed. Although I am 27 years old, quite attractive, slender, dark hair to the shoulder, second-size chest, which was emphasized by a red woolen jacket in tight, and black jeans were covered with an elastic ass and complemented my image.

“So you asked for Angela?” - He asked and turned toward the counter to call someone from the staff.

- Yes, I asked. She wanted to enter the singer at the University of Poplavsky. And her voice is good. At all the school holidays she sang.

- Yes, she did. But her father made me enter the Dnieper customs university, and they say that she graduated there a year and left everything. I quarreled with my parents. He lives there in the Dnieper, sings in clubs and corporate parties. And I do not know anything else. A couple of times she wrote to her in social networks, but she did not answer.

- Yes, and it happens. - I just sighed and straightened my hair. - Pretty same and finished school with a medal.

- Yes, all the boys in the class were staring at her. And not only from the class.

Finally a girl in a plaid shirt came up to us. She handed out a battered folder with a menu. I didn’t really want anything, even though I was hungry after school, but somehow I didn’t eat with my former student. I quickly turned the pages on the drinks. There was no big choice.

- I have a black hour with lemon. - I made my order, closed the menu and handed it back.

- and everything? - in a hoarse voice clarified the waitress and looked at me disgustedly. - And you are a young man, what will? Order your girlfriend?

I almost giggled. We have 8-10 differences. So I still look good, since she took me for his girlfriend. I just smiled. And Artem so intently leafed through the scuffed leaves of the menu.

- And I have a cup of espresso, two sandwiches with ham and cheese, and from sweet, let's give two slices of Kiev cake. - ordered the guy and handed the menu back.

- Wait. I'll bring everything for a couple of minutes.

She pulled out a piece of paper from a notebook and wagged her plump booty into the utility rooms. I felt even more awkward. We went only for tea, but here comes more. I rubbed a little ...

cold hands.

- Artem. Should not have. Enough and tea. I'll pay for myself.

- Olga Mikhailovna do not hurt. You are with us and have suffered so much. I can treat one of my favorite teachers. Do not worry. - he reassured me and took off his jacket. - Are they studying in our class now or is it empty?

- Yes, they are studying. There 6 sits, but I do not have their lessons. Last year, all the windows have changed only, and there, it seems, nothing else has changed during this time.

Then we just chatted. He told about himself, about the recent session. I talked about teachers, school news. Order brought quickly. I was hungry and, on the whole, I was glad that Artyom had taken a meal, and the smells in the cafe reminded me of myself and my appetite went wild in earnest. I did not notice how I ate a sandwich. It turned out to be very tasty. It will be necessary to try to do these things at home. From just what sauce they smeared. I wiped my lips with a napkin and left traces of my red lipstick on it. Played music from the waves of the radio station. The last hits sounded. I caught a few views of Artyom on myself, but maybe it seemed to me. It became embarrassing, I'm older and was his teacher.

I bit off a piece of cake, washed down with hot tea and listened to his stories about life in a hostel. Although here, almost nothing has changed. The same nightclubs, nightly entertainment, eternal trips to the guests. One thing I didn’t think that the guys were so hungry all the time, I knew that they love to eat, but somehow I didn’t think so much. I smiled at his story and drank a warm drink. The cold left me. It became even hot and thoughts appeared to take off the jacket.

- Olga Mikhailovna. And if you want, I'll show you a photo of my room and uni. - He suggested and began to look for your phone on the pocket.

- Come on. - I agreed and drank the rest of the tea.

- I have a lot of pictures here. Even from school even. And from graduation. And at home and the video is. You were filmed there too.

- when? - I was surprised and tried to strain my memory, looked somewhere up. - I do not remember. What did you not noticeably do?

He smiled and nodded his head. Well, they namnimili there. Here with these cameras. It’s good that during my school years the telephones were without cameras, and there were few that they could shoot about me. I just sighed. Artyom moved the chair in tight and sat down beside him. I could hear his cologne now. His knee touched mine. But we quickly withdrew our legs. It became so awkward. He quickly thumbed through the photo in the gallery. I saw nature, different educational materials, photos of some girls. Here began the photo of the room. He spun some more.

- Look. This is my room, and then there will be a university. - He handed me the phone.

- Good. - I took the gadget and started flipping through the photos. - Is this your bed?

- Yes. Places are not enough, so we put two tiered beds.

I just smiled. My sister and I stood like that. And so the room is quite nothing, not so terrible furniture, as was ours. Then a warning appeared on the screen that only 5% of the battery charge remained and suggested turning off the device. I just looked at Artyom.

- From, damn it. He is always like that. Discharges at the most inappropriate moment. - he just shrugged and took it from me. - Then I'll show you to the prom. There, as on the last call you give flowers.

- Yes, it always happens to them. - I just giggled and turned to look at a couple. - Yes, do not look. Throw me later in the mail.

- And the video? There in the mail will not work. Maybe you have a flash drive?

- Must be. - I wondered tried to remember the contents of his handbag. - How do you throw me on it?

“Come to my house.” I live here in two houses. And from the phone I will throw you and still have a couple of photos, their classmates have thrown off, but they are at home on the laptop.

The phone made some more sounds and the screen went out. I was lost in thought again. Now she stared at the multicolored bottles at the bar. How I will go to him. And his parents, what they say. I rubbed my hands nervously.

- Thanks Artem. Throw me a photo then. I will write you the address now on a piece of paper. I said, and began to rummage through my bag in search of a notebook.

- Olga Mikhailovna, what are you. Come on. It's just a few minutes. I will quickly write you down. - Suddenly, a former student began to persuade me. - And I'll forget something else or a loss.

- So you do not lose. From right back and throw everything. - I opened the notebook and started writing my email address. - And the video? You went out there so well. So years will pass and you will remember us.

I just sighed. What is there for the video is. Already the most interesting became. Now do you control who shoots what. Even in the classroom you can not relax, they can shoot something, but not play or sit on social networks. I tried to recall the events of their last bell and prom. They are my first release.

“And your parents, what will they say if I come in?”

- And do not worry Olga Mikhailovna. There is no one at home. They went to Poland for goods. And no one else. Sister is married and does not live with us. So do not worry.

- Okay. - I nodded my head and took a deep breath. - Persuaded.

Artyom smiled at me. I put the phone in my pocket and started looking for money there. He took out crumpled small bills of different denominations. I started to fasten my jacket. Maybe pay for yourself. And somehow uncomfortable. I'm not his girlfriend. He probably understood my thoughts.

- You do not worry. I'll pay for everything. - he got up and pulled out different bills from his pockets. - You are going to me fast.

- Good. - I just smiled and rose too. - Buy yourself a wallet. How so money to carry.

- Ah. - He waved his hand and began to count the banknotes. “I'm used to it already.”

The girl waitress apparently noticed that we were going and she came to us with a bill. Artyom handed her crumpled notes of 10 and 20 hryvnia. She quickly counted them, put them in her pocket, and began to collect the dishes. Artyom quickly dressed, and we went outside. It was not so late, but twilight began to descend. Frosty wind hit in the face. The fine snow continued to fall. I threw back the hood.

- We go there Olga Mikhailovna. - Artyom showed and he wrapped himself in his jacket, hiding from the piercing wind. - That house over there.

- So it's very close.

- Yes, I told you that there is a couple of minutes.

Well, that does not go long. I carefully watched the road. Enough, that almost fell once, the second he may not have time to grab me. We quickly reached his home. The usual nine-story building. I glanced at the rows of windows. In many lights were on, hanging New Year decorations. Garlands shimmering with colorful lights lifted the mood of the gray winter day. Artyom quickly dialed the code on the metal door. These were set in many homes before the last parliamentary elections. We went to the old elevator. He made rattling sounds coming down from somewhere above.

- We are on the seventh floor. - inviting me with a gesture into the opened cabin Artem said quietly. - Come on in.

- Thank. - I thanked and entered.

The floor figures were slowly changing on the old red indicator. Something reminded me of the assessment. I smiled to myself. She shook her head over the silly associations. Here is the long-awaited seven. With such a nasty screech, the door opened. Artem came out first, and I followed him. From the jacket he took out two keys and began to open the door of the apartment. I took off the hood and began to unbutton my jacket.

- Go through Olga Mikhailovna. - He invited me and opened the door wider. - Take off your clothes. Hanger over there. Slippers, if you want you can take my mother's.

- Thanks Artem. I'm fine as it is.

Quite an ordinary apartment. The new repair contrasted a little with the old coat hanger at the door. I hung up my jacket, threw off my boots. Started in the bag to look for a flash drive. The guy also took off his clothes. I finally felt at the bottom of the desired object. That's always what you need falls to the bottom. I put the flash drive in my jeans pocket.

- Come on in. There is my room. A little not cleaned do not be alarmed.

I just smiled .

And my husband always throws everything around the apartment. We entered the room. There is more than not removed. As his parents do not scold. The bed on the couch is not mismanaged. Clothes were lying on the floor, a plate on the table table, an empty mug. I shook my head. I would be ashamed to bring a woman here. The girls in swimsuits near expensive sports cars were watching from the walls. And so a large old desk by the window, a new chair, a new wardrobe with one mirror door. I looked at myself. Straightened hair. It was necessary to paint on the lips, but the lipstick in the bag remained in front of the guy, somehow it was not clever.

- Do your parents blame you for that? - I asked and ran a hand. - Okay, bed, but why scatter things?

- Excuse me. I'll clean everything later. - he, as a schoolboy lowered his head and looked somewhere on the floor, he blushed so much.

- My husband loves to leave everything on the table. Here's your flash drive. Throw something away from you and I'll go home.

I handed it to him. Our hands are touched. I felt the warmth of his fingers. There was really no place to sit here. I stood like that, looking at my reflection in the mirror. Clothes emphasized my figure, it looked quite attractive. Crouched to herself a pair of faces. I looked at Artyom. He inserted my flash drive into his laptop and was looking for something on it. Although I myself know that sometimes finding the right photo is not so easy. Always comes across not what you need. She looked out the window. The snow was beautifully spinning and falling down. I came closer to Artyom, he just looked at me and switched back to the laptop.

- Video found. - he said and launched the file. - Sit down look.

- Thank.

Artem rose. I sat in his place. Pleasant warmth from the chair transferred to the body. On the screen flashed footage of the last call. Elegant graduates with ribbons, teachers, and other students. He put his hand on the back and bowed. Here girls are grimacing. Read the texts of congratulations guests. Stas slaps on the pope Irku. She angrily looks at him, but says nothing. I just smiled. Even as she studied, the boys loved to run up and try to lift up her skirt or pat her ass. She also tries to touch Julia, but she almost struck him with a bouquet. Stas barely managed to dodge.

- Olga Mikhailovna, can you make coffee tea or red wine. - Polite suggested Artem. “You will be here soon.”

- Thank. Do not need anything. You write everything down, and I will go.

- You are my first time in the house. Just a glass for a visit.

- Okay. Just a glass of wine and everything. - I reluctantly agreed and looked at the happy face of the guy.

He went off somewhere. I looked again at his room and shook my head. Then she began to watch the video. That began to call the teachers. Read my name too. Big-breasted Irka with a big bouquet comes up to me. I did not see that they filmed it. Here, from the second senior class, Nazar, an excellent student, hands me another bouquet. I did not think that I was so pleased. Hard to hear, I tell them something. Listening to your voice is somehow not familiar. Here they depart I sniff the bouquets and try to take them more comfortably.

- Hold on. - handed me a full glass of red wine Artem. - What a beautiful and joyful you are here. And this blue dress suits you so well.

- Thank. - I was embarrassed by his compliments, I took the wine and took a sip. “Everything is elegant and beautiful there.”

“You're still the best.”

I almost giggled. I otpila yet, the wine is clearly fortified, and it was spread in the entrails with hot warmth, threw me into a light heat. The guy also drank, put the glass on the table and leaned toward the laptop.

- Can I get up. You sit down, it will be more convenient for you.

- Sit, sit Olga Mikhailovna. I'm fine as it is. I will quickly turn on another one now. And you drink.

- The wine is just strong. Now hit in the head.

- Well, sorry. - he shrugged his shoulders and looked at me. - I would know how much you love.

- Nothing terrible, Artem. Give me your second video and I'll go, or else my husband still needs to cook something to eat. Come home from work just hungry.

The guy smiled at me again. Here he turned on the new video. Here is my lesson. I am telling something about the proclamation of independence of Ukraine. I am writing on the date board. Mel breaks, his part falls to the floor. I stoop and lift him up. Awkwardly somehow happened. Here you can clearly see how my dress rises, slender legs in black tights. The sound of surprise guys. I turn around. I start to make a remark. He lowers the phone, and filming ends.

A slight tremor went through the body. It seemed to me that I even turned red. I noticed that the boys were looking at me, but I never thought that they even took it off. I swallowed nervously, held up my glass and took a gulp of red liquid. As he was not afraid to show such a video. Although there is nothing to be seen. Only pop and top tights. I then, it seems, was exactly in panties. There was a slight pause. I didn’t know what to say, but he probably noticed my embarrassment just sipping wine from his glass.

- Do you shoot at all the lessons? - I asked nervously and looked at the guy.

- Sometimes it happened, and they sat down and the teacher liked a beautiful woman.

“I didn't notice anything then.” Once I just took it off?

- I am yes. Maybe the guys still have something. I only have it with you. Want to show a video from prom?

I just shrugged. Artyom understood my gesture, as agree. He leaned toward the monitor. His hand touched my shoulder. But I quickly deviated, and he jerked a little. Pleasant warmth from alcohol spread over the body. My head was a little loud. He flipped through the files. I saw their miniatures. Nature, different classes with students, someone at home. Here is a leg with a hand. I smiled a little.

- And what's that? - I showed on the video.

- Well. - he was so embarrassed, he turned red already. - It is better not to watch this.

- And what's wrong with that? - curiosity was taking its toll and I tried to look into his eyes, but he hid them from me. - Come on, show it. We are not in school, do not be afraid of me.

I saw his doubt. Even the mouse pointer began to tremble on the screen. I wanted to take away his mouse and click on the file that intrigued me. I guessed that there was probably something piquant, but did not dare to say out loud, although I understood everything by his reaction. It became quite interesting whose slender leg in black pantyhose or stockings.

- And you will not swear? - He asked me again and slowly began to move the mouse to the file.

- Artem. Do not be afraid. I drink wine with you. Yes, I myself was a schoolgirl. Do not worry. I have pretty broad views.

- Ok, Olga Mikhailovna. You yourself wanted. - he clicked on the file and removed his hand from the mouse, finished his wine and put an empty glass on the table. - you still pour wine?

- Thank. Do not.

Here on the screen is their class. The usual change. Artyom approaches Ivanka. She is sitting and looking at something in the phone. A slender blonde, handsome, with a good figure, she studied moderately, but she was always executive and did not violate discipline. Starts to stroke her knee. Through the general noise you can hardly hear what they are talking about. Something about yesterday and the job. The phone is shaking in the hand and the picture is not very. His hand slides over her leg. She calmly responds to that. Smiles at him. He sits down next. The picture is lowered. He starts to spread her legs. Now you can clearly see the black stockings and slender white legs fitting her. His hand slips on. I already started. Do not fear so right on the change in the classroom. She does not seem shy at all, he strokes her in all of her. From the conversation I can only hear that they agree to meet after the lessons.

I swallowed. Now cheeks more burned. It was uncomfortable that I insisted on watching, but I myself wanted to see everything. Well, I was more interested in which of the girls in the video. Why am I wondering in vain that during my school years there was no such thing. And the classmates themselves had never missed it. Pleasant heat of excitement passed through the body. Pussy responded with its secretions, and started spinning in my head ..

different memories. Already I can not believe that it will be 10 years since graduated from school. The video is over. Pause again. I finished my wine and set my glass on the table. My hand shook slightly. He noticed it or not. I turned my head in his direction. I saw a rather large hillock on his jeans. I am now even more shy. And the most inconvenient, so also the guy excited and embarrassed. He is like him.

- I'll probably go. Sorry Artem somehow I did not think. - slowly spoke out and began to rise.

- All is well Olga Mikhailovna. You are not to blame. You have nothing to apologize for. You excuse me. You yourself are all flushed. Maybe more wine. A video from prom.

- No thanks. Do not need anything. Write it to me, I'll take a look at home. - I smiled and tried to move away, but by chance his hand hit my leg and knee.

Somehow, in surprise, I sank into a chair. Artyom frightened withdrew his hand and looked at me so intently. I felt very hot, as if something was heating me from the inside. Droplets of sweat appeared on the body. My heart pounded so hard that I felt his blows. I breathed deeply and often. I myself did not understand what was happening to me. I was all burning, between the legs was so wet. And his mound on jeans and did not think to decrease. I wonder what he had flashed through my mind. What I think about! He is my student, albeit a former one. I swallowed.

Our eyes met. He looked at me like that, at my chest, at my legs. I did not even dare to move. I tried to find the right words, but my thoughts were confused and nothing came to my head. I understood that I needed to get up and leave quickly. But she could not move, he hypnotized his victim like a boa. Lust and passion increasingly overwhelmed me. His hand slowly began to lower. Stopped for a moment, but still touched my feet. I started, but did not try to bounce. And he did not dare to do something in anticipation of my reaction. I could feel his hand trembling, how warm through the jeans and pantyhose cloth goes to my leg. And in my panties a real flood.

- You are so beautiful Olga Mikhailovna. He said in a trembling voice, and his hand slowly began to stroke my leg.

- You can just Olya. - burst out of me, but nothing more climbed into my head.

- I always liked you. I often ... - he fell silent and gently caressed me.

- What are you?

His fingers touched my wet crotch. It is good that there are tights, and even jeans are soaked. I myself did not expect so much drip. His mound more and more attracted me. So I wanted to pull off his clothes, immerse his penis in his mouth. My thoughts frightened me and excited me wildly. He nadvil on the crotch. I almost groaned and swung his basin to the meeting.

- I often fantasized about you, Olga Mikhailovna. - As he said, he slowly pulled his hand up through my sweater. - Oh, that is Olya.

- And what did you fantasize about? - I smiled at him and became more comfortable.

- You can not answer.

He looked away so embarrassed. Although imagine what he could represent. How he fucks me, how I suck him right in the classroom. I already twitched. His palm lay on my chest. He gently began to squeeze her through the fabric of her sweater and bodice. The nipple rubbed pleasantly against the bodice cup. I rocked again. My panties are completely soaked. My head was a little buzzing. stories about sex Thoughts are confused. I gently raised my hand and touched his groin. Held on the mountain on jeans. His body immediately reacted to the touch of my hand. Began to unbutton his belt. Fingers trembled and the movements were unsure. Coped with a metal button. Jeans gently dropped and fell to the floor. The edge of the head peeking out from under the gum of his gray shorts. So wanted to lick her. Shivering passed through the body.

- Let me kiss you. You are so beautiful and hot.

Our eyes met. I haven't been asked so nicely for permission to kiss. I smiled and nodded affirmatively. I stood up and turned to him. Artyom pulled me to him. And his warm lips touched mine. Again. I was trembling all over, it seemed to me that the whole room was shaking like an earthquake. His hands squeezed my ass. He touched my lips again, and I answered him. Clasped his shoulders. We kissed passionately. What I do, just can not. He is my student, I am married. But lust seized me, and I could not resist it.

- Are you trembling so much Olya? Are you okay? - asked the guy and continued to kiss my neck.

- Yes! Yes! - I moaned and bent.

- If I do something wrong. You speak.

I closed my eyes and nodded. I really did not want to stop him. His hands slipped under my jacket. He began to lift her. I let go of Artyom and raised my hands. In one motion, he pulled off my jacket and threw it on the floor. I noticed how he admires my body. I smiled at him. She stretched out her hands and also pulled off her jacket. Put it on the chair. He stepped out of his pants. And he again began to caress my body, squeeze my ass, quickly and passionately kissed my chest. I quietly moaned, stroked his back, head. I threw back my head and closed my eyes. He began to tinker with the bodice clasps, but he could not cope with his excitement.

- Wait. I will help to unfasten. - I suggested, and threw my hands behind my back.

- Thank. - so embarrassed Artem from my proposal.

- Do not worry.

We smiled at each other and my black bodice hung in her arms. I shook, and he quickly fell to the floor. Protruding nipples betrayed my excitement. He looked at me inquiringly. I nodded and his hands touched his chest. The palms seemed so hot. So squeezed my chest second size. I groaned again softly. He leaned over and started kissing her nipples. I flowed with such force. The whole body became more expensive. I have not had such excitement for a year. I was ready to finish even from such caresses. I breathed quickly and often, caressing his hair myself. Her second hand came down and began to rid her pupil of the last item of clothing. Who told me that I would do that. I would never have believed it.

One guy's hand went down on my ass, tried to get under the jeans, but they sat tight on me and did not learn from him to get under them. I threw off his panties. They fell down, and then with somewhat awkward movements he himself got rid of them. I reached out and unzipped my button and zipper. Artyom began to try to pull down his jeans, but they didn’t want to go anywhere. His hands were shaking so much.

- Let me myself. And they are narrow. - I smiled at him and began to pull the jeans down.

- Yes, Olga Mikhailovna. If I may. - he said awkwardly and retreated a little from me.

- Just Olya. Do not be so formal.

- OK I will try. I really want you Olya.

I already pulled. I didn’t think what I would hear from my student, even if he was a former one. My eyes focused on his penis. Shaved crotch. Red head with a big drop of grease. A member of medium size in the region of 16 centimeters, smooth and not thick. I myself was not immediately able to pull down my jeans, they sat so tightly, as if evil. I let them down to my knees. Then she sat down on a chair and pulled them off completely with their socks. Artyom closely watched my movements. His hand gently stroked his dick standing. From all this, I flowed even more. Quickly began to pantyhose. It was faster with them. Only wet black strings stayed on me. I stood up, playfully smiled at him.

- Want to take them off me. - I suggested, and somehow giggled.

Artyom hesitated. He himself did not expect this from me. I remember him in school, even in class. And from now on he stands before me absolutely naked with a standing organ. Goosebumps ran through the body. The guy did change his mind and stepped towards me.

- Yes, Olya want. You are the best and most beautiful teacher in our school. I thought so much about you as a woman.

- Here is something of your desires and come true.

His hands lay on my waist. They are slightly wet, easily slid over my skin. Climbed under the gum and pulled them to the bottom. Thongs gently fell on my legs. I came out of them. He pulled me to him. His standing member rested in my stomach, and he began to squeeze my bare ass hard, and his lips merged in a new kiss. His hot breath just burned his skin. I answered him and quietly moaned. I myself did not believe in everything that was happening, but I could not stop myself. We both breathed deeply and quickly, and were in anticipation. I was confused, and the guy was afraid to do something wrong. His dick and beckoned for a long time I have not flowed so much.

- How can I caress you Olya? - He asked confidently and hugged me again.

- I do not know. - I shrugged and looked into his eyes. - Just caress me as you caress girls. Today I am not a teacher, but just a girl who is eager for sex and pleasure.

- If I do something wrong, stop me.

- Well Artem do not worry. You will succeed.

We smiled at each other. His hand caressed my chest, descended into the crotch. he began to rub the grease with his fingers, penetrate into me. I trembled, moans broke from my lips, I often and deeply breathed, the heat of passion swept over my body. He ran his stomach, leaned over and started kissing my nipples, I stroked his hair and moaned with pleasure. Lips squeezed my hard nipples, I closed my eyes and tried to stroke his penis, I bent to meet his caresses like a branch under the gusts of wind lust. Fingers dived into me again, two or three I did not feel. I clutched at him and shook in orgasm, the holes throbbed. Artem grabbed me, but my legs didn't hold me.

- Hold on. I'll put you on the sofa now. - he tried to transfer me there. - So go to bed.

- Yes. All is well. - I barely squeezed myself. - Oh, how good I am.

- You finished so quickly. Want more?

I glanced at him, and he understood me without words. I stretched out and didn’t come to my senses. I saw him admiring my body, how he started kissing my hips, crotch, clitoris, stomach, chest, neck. I reached out and stroked his head. I remembered how I praised him at school for the correct answers, but now I wanted to praise him for such affection and orgasm. Artyom grew bolder and caressed me. I did not notice how she began podmahivat him. The guy got on the sofa, he bent even more under our weight. He widely spread my legs, admiring my plump lips, flowing hole.

- I often imagined how naked you are. And now you're lying here. You are so beautiful Olya.

- Thank. - I already reddened his complements and looked away. - I justified your fantasies?

- Even more than I could imagine. I often jerked off on you at home.

I looked at his face, he became so red. I already twitched. Well, the thought that my students wanted me always had, but what I would be told about this on the straight line, I could not even think.

- And what did you imagine about us? - nevertheless I decided to ask, and stared at the guy. - Do not be shy talk to me.

He just sighed, eyes running around the room, looking at my crotch, protruding nipples.

- And you will not be offended? And so awkward.

- Artyom do not hesitate to say how it is. I wonder what my students would want to do with me.

- Okay. - He sighed a little thought. - I imagined how you suck in my class, how I fuck you in the pussy, how I finish on you, and you lie all in sperm. How do you fuck at the blackboard. Even...

He calmed down and swallowed nervously. He himself was afraid of his fantasies. And from me just flowed. It was even nice to know that I was the one who turned him on, and not his classmates.

- What even? Let's talk.

- And this is very well ... - he looked at me nervously. - You definitely want to know?

- Want. Do not be afraid. Speak as it is.

- I fantasized how I fuck you with my friends. As you suck us in turn, as we insert you with the boys in all holes. - he calmed down and thought, probably hesitated to say or not, but still decided. - And I thought about you and Elena Emelyanovna. As you both caress, and then I fuck you right in the office of biology.

- Wow! - I was shaking all over again.

Artyom turned so red and hid his eyes. His cock was ready to explode at any moment. Yes, and I myself strongly wound up from his words. So he was not only thinking about me, but I was also talking about Alena. She would know that we had done it in the fantasies of these guys. The hand and stretched to the crotch. I wanted to cum and cum. The puddle was already a sheet.

- Let's not stand. Well, how are you there me in your fantasies. - I drove the frozen Artem. - Take the gum and start.

- Yes. Yes. Olya me now.

He quickly jumped up. I ran to the table and started looking for condoms in it. I stroked my chest and watched a young naked body. Such a good boy. I liked him even at school, and now I'm lying naked and waiting for him. He finally found the right bag. I tried to break it, but from his nerves and arousal he could not get right away. I smiled. Here came the characteristic sound. Gum took its place. Artem lightning back on the couch. Again, I spread my legs, admired my crotch. And I was so impatient to get a member of my former student. Come on, come in, I said to myself. The guy leaned, leaned his head against his lips. A little pressure, and she immediately entered me. I caved and groaned.

He hung even more over my body and began to sway gently. I hugged him, we eagerly and passionately kissing. His trunk was fully in my current hole. Slapping bodies and squelch flew through the room. Kisses muffled my moans. I wrapped my legs around him. We both bent faster and faster. Excitement has affected us. I again, as if not an experienced girl shook in the next orgasm. Artyom did not last much longer and his hot seed began to fill the condom. He sank down on me and fell silent. His warm lips touched his neck and cheek. Both breathed hard and deep, the whole body was covered in sweat. And the podomnoy was a whole puddle of my discharge. We lay there for a few minutes. Little by little she came to herself.

- For a long time I did not finish. Already the roof blows from such orgasms.

- True? - With such surprise in the voice asked Artem, he raised himself and tried to look into my eyes.

- Yes true. Well I am a young woman and also love sex very much. And here it is.

- Olya, have you ever thought about your pupils or pupils?

I already all shuddered at his question. He even turned on his side and lay down next to me. He stretched out his hand and began to stroke my hot and wet body, caressing my chest. And what to say to him, the truth or lie. He told me honestly about his desire. Or lie that he will then think about me and the teachers. I turned my head and looked at his red cheeks. He smiled so nicely to me. I myself almost giggled my young lover.

- Yes. I thought Artyom. - somehow I said. “I'm not so shy.” There were thoughts like yours.

- Can I have one more question.

- Yeah, ask me. Once we are so open. - Stretched her hand and began to stroke his limp cock, still covered with elastic with sperm.

- It seems to me that one day you were without panties at school. You both got up I managed to look between the legs. Then you were in stockings and a short, light green dress. I then stood the whole lesson on you, and then I had to go to the toilet.

I thought. I didn’t remember a specific case, but it happened that I didn’t dress clothes in school and went like that. Or maybe someone fucked him and they took me off. I did not know how to say more precisely.

- Yes, Artem can be anything. I do not remember exactly. It has long been.

He sighed. I extended my hand to his beginning member to gain strength. Hand pulled off the condom. So much sperm. I already licked my lips. I imagine that he would pour into me so much. I shook my head.

- Do you like sperm? - suddenly ...

Artem asked me and turned a little. - The girls say that I have it tasty.

- Now then try.

I smiled at him, brought the filled gum to her mouth. I noticed on myself such a hot look Artem. I opened my mouth, put the top edge in it and began to suck the white liquid out of it. I quickly swallowed, the tart liquid drained into my stomach. It seemed a little sweet better than my husband. I took two fingers and started squeezing the rest of my mouth. She showed her mouth with sperm to Artyom, then swallowed everything and showed him empty. Something I remembered similar footage from porn. I flowed like a bitch again. Twice she finished and wanted more. I threw the condom on the floor.

During this time, Artem stood again, now the member even seemed thicker. I tongue collected the remnants of sperm from the lips. She leaned over, and his organ was in my mouth the moment. I quickly began to move on a wet and tasty trunk. I felt it pulsing. I settled down a bit more comfortably. The member quickly sank into my mouth at full length. I started to sway myself, my chest swayed. Artyom wanted to reach me, but did not reach.

- Olga Mikhailovna, oh Olya. Turn around here. - He asked me and patted his hand on the sofa.

- To become here? - I clarified and stroked his hand wet trunk from my saliva.

- Yes, I also want to caress you.

I smiled, turned more to him and again bent over his member. The wet hand of the guy touched my bottom. He began to run his fingers through the crotch, rub my swollen lips, clit, smeared my juices on the bottom, twisted around it. But he was afraid to enter there. I sucked his organ, let it fall on his cheek, and stroked his eggs with my second hand. My saliva dripped down his stone penis. He was swinging, trying to penetrate deeper into my mouth. He imagined it in his dreams about me, everything is possible, I felt that he would not last long. And I myself was curving and moving towards him with my bulging booty. Would not hurt another member. I even started to remember which of his classmates could now join us and hammer my other holes. His fingers stopped at the ring of the anus. He did not dare to enter.

- Can I ass you? He asked uncertainly, and calmed down, waiting for my reaction.

But I did not want to release his pulsating organ. Just mumbled something and nodded her head. At that moment I wanted to cum, and still, where will he fuck me. Two wet fingers plunged into my gut. Booty resisted a bit, but quickly let them in. I practically did not feel any discomfort, but I began to sway even more. Artyom understood my desire and he began to actively fuck my ass. The sofa quietly creaked from our movements. Both of us again quickly approached the summit of pleasure. His cock stiffened and a jet of hot white liquid hit me in the mouth. I started to swallow, but not very good, new portions continued to flow into the mouth.

I released it, trying to swallow, and another last shot hit me on the cheek and lips. I straightened my hair and looked at Artyom happy. He flew in the clouds after the last orgasm. So stared at me.

- Something is wrong? - I asked I tried to collect sperm from my lips

- You are so beautiful now. Straight from my fantasies.

I giggled softly, but then his fingers earned more abruptly in my gut. I twitched, groans escaped from my mouth. He quickly and deeply fucked my ass. I dropped my head to the sheet, bent more. He bent down and began to fuck my current hole with his second hand. Squishing sounds scattered around the room, it was all accelerated. I, like a depraved porn teacher, waved him. I was shaking again. I screamed and sank on his side at his feet. Holes throbbed terribly. The whole body trembled. Artyom patted me on the pope rubbed my grease between the holes. We lay there for about 10–15 minutes.

- Olya you did not fall asleep there? - Artem got up and tried to look into my eyes in an almost dark room.

- I'm just so good. Gotta get ready. And then my husband will come back. I haven't cooked dinner yet.

- Today is the best day of my life. You end so violently.

- Thanks Artyomka. You did a good job too. And your sperm is delicious, girls don't lie. And there was so much more.

I got up and lay down next. Artem extended his hand and began to stroke my chest. In the twilight of the room, I now saw his features. I heard his breath. He lowered his hand, felt the clitoris and began to massage him, and with his lips and tongue he played with the papilla.

- May be enough. I already have to go and bring myself in order.

- I still want you. I'm worth it. - he took my hand and put it on his hard member. - See, without your holes he could not.

His fingers quickly rubbed the clitoris. I moaned and flowed. I wanted to get up and leave, but I wanted to continue this bliss.

- Good. - I moaned and began to stroke his penis. - Only once and I have to go.

He sighed happily and so stuck to my chest that I slapped him on the head.

- You what! Zasos will be now.

- Sorry Olya. See how I want you.

- Go get a gum.

The guy got up from the couch. Turn on the light. The room was flooded with bright yellow light. I closed my eyes. I heard him fiddling around the table, breaking the packaging. I gradually got used to the light. Once again examined his room. Bardak after all. And what am I doing here with him. Yet he is my student. And fucks me like some kind of slut. Do not I about it, sometimes, I thought. She herself never once imagined this, even at school or at home. I myself became a cancer, I bent my back, I started wagging my booty. She turned her head and looked at the guy. He understood everything without words and was on the couch for a couple of minutes.

He began to stroke my ass, legs, and again I could not wait to get his dick. I did not have to wait long, he leaned him against my wet lips and almost immediately entered me. I groaned. Artyom quickly and rhythmically fucked me.

- Yes! Yes! How good to me. - I could not resist and I shouted. - Ebi your teacher!

He lightly slapped me on the pope and added pace. Sounds mixed, body slaps, groans, wheezing, champing. I did not understand what I heard. His finger entered my ass, I felt good, as he presses on his penis through stenochku. I was starting to shake again. Then he went out, leaned member to the ring of the anus. I put pressure on him and quite easily penetrated me. I already twitched. Tightened the sheet tightly, but Artyom did not pay attention, but quickly pegged my ass. Now we both groaned. I sank down and chest rubbed on the sofa. The thrusts followed so swiftly. I screamed and a new orgasm swept me. I was shaking all over, my whole body throbbed. Then Artyom calmed down, the member stiffened and shot portions of sperm. I closed my eyes and stood in that position. I was covered in sweat.

Member in the pope began to decline. Artem came out of me and lay down next. I turned on my side. Breathed deeply and looked at the girls on the posters. Smiled at them. It seemed that they had been watching us all this time and now envy my orgasms and everything that happened. I straightened my hair. Sperm on her face dried up and skinned. I wanted to wash.

- Artem, where is your bathroom? - I asked turned on my back. - I quickly wash and leave.

- Stay. I will rest now and will rise again.

- It is necessary to leave. I can not more. - I leaned over and kissed him on the limp member.

- It's a pity. Bathroom behind that door. - He showed with a finger and raised himself. - Can I do something else?

- What? - I looked at him like that.

- And you lie down and close your eyes. And open your mouth.

I guessed about his intention. She lay on the bed, spread her legs, closed her eyes and opened her mouth. He kissed me several times and then I felt a trickle of sperm from the condom flow into my mouth. I quickly began to swallow. Part of the sperm fell on the lips, I licked it, but did not open my eyes. I felt like I was getting excited. What is it with me today. I like a depraved girl behave with this young man. We must quickly go. I opened my eyes. I caught her hot look on myself.

- Artem. Thank you everything was wonderful. But I have to go. - I stood up and kissed his forehead. - You're a good and smart boy. Must understand everything.

- Yes Olya. Excuse me. - he said so sadly.

I stroked his head, got up and went naked into the bathroom. I decided not to take a shower, but how wet I will go home. And so much now sick. I looked at myself in the mirror. Cheeks are red, I saw traces of sperm on the skin, but so pleased and happy. Have I done it? Cool water touched my face. I wanted to wash myself away with thoughts of doubt and shame, but I felt so good, I ended up so vigorously. I shook my head. Slightly washed up, dried off and went back to the room to Artyom. He lay with a happy but slightly sad face. I tried to get dressed quickly. She took the flash drive, looked at Artyom. And can spit on everything and once again with him. No, enough of what happened. Artyom is so naked and led me to the door. I wore a jacket.

“You're my best student now.” - I leaned over and kissed him. - Thank you, bye.

- And thank you Olya. See you. - he said goodbye and sighed so sadly.

I quickly went out into the street. Frosty air cheered. I went home, but did not think that I would cook for my husband, and scenes of hot sex with a former student were spinning in my head.