Two weeks have passed since Dimon got a new job, to the university for the offspring of wealthy parents. Kliner, as they call it here. Or, quite simply, a janitor. They generally had some kind of foreign word here, and they were sculpted in general where it was not too lazy. For example, they called the garden Garden. And for some reason, the nearby park remained a park. In general, to understand by what principle the names were given were above the understanding of Dimon. It is much more important that he had to go crazy in the garden, in the park, and in the building of the university itself. Work is not something hard to say, but rather psychologically draining. To walk among the rich practically peers who were not much younger than him, and to go crazy ... It was depressing, let's speak frankly. Worse, they didn’t count him as a person. Such a two-legged robot, which exists solely for the sake of their convenience, looked like this.

But there were also advantages in work, of course. For example, it was possible to live here on the university’s territory if you suddenly get far to it every day. For these purposes, there was a separate house, which Dimon used. The university was on the outskirts, and getting to it was really problematic. This is good for students, they come by car. So, it was economical to live here, and this was a plus, since the salary, let's say, did not strike the imagination. Yes, they certainly took food separately, but it was still economical. And do not live with your parents, do not prepare yourself. Although this plus immediately turned into a minus, because sometimes there was absolutely nothing to do, and the city could only get out for the weekend.

The second plus was the young students in short skirts! In general, there was a uniform here, just like the parents in the photo during the school years. Tin! But in general, this is not important, it is important that according to the charter, these skirts should have been up to their knees, but many of them were specially shortened. It turned out very appetizing! You used to be a clinician, and you could even watch the girls passing by. But here, too, was a minus. The girls are clearly not about him, Dimon understood this! Especially pissed off when one such thing, in a short skirt, threw a bag with juice past the urn. And she did it purposefully! To annoy means. For looking at her! I wanted to kill! Strangle just on the spot! But instead I had to pick up the bag, throw it into the urn, and hastily retire to the friendly laughter of the girlfriends. Damn, such a lovely outside, and such a creature inside!

But Anton brightened the mood, which appeared here a week ago. The guy is perky, with a bunch of ideas, and without him it would be really sad. The day before yesterday, for example, they watched with binoculars the girls sunbathing on the beach, who after classes decided to have a small picnic nearby. And one of them even took off her bra. The spectacle was fascinating! Such an inaccessible, such an arrogant one of himself, and, behold, the whole is lying, in full view! No, Dimon certainly did not know her personally, but they are all inaccessible, and all are arrogant. So it was his little revenge for all of them to him! But today a friend appeared with a new idea.

- Dimon, great, heard the news?

- What kind? Do we, or even in the world? In any case, did not hear anything significant.

- Hey, bro, you lag behind life! You already poured in somehow! Those chickens whom we watched through binoculars, there happened a whole scandal with this story, everything is already up to date!

- We were caught ?! - Dimon sincerely scared.

- Listen, have I ever let you down? Tell me? We lay down far, looked through binoculars, that's how they calculate us?

- You never know.

- Oh, you, you never know! In general, it's not about us. Swim then they climbed, that's what! You saw me telling you! Well, and you know that the environment here is not very good, swimming is prohibited.

- I do not know, I swam.

- Yes, I myself bathed, that's not the point. It's all for their health tremble! And even though it was already after class, but still close to the university, besides, they took with them an English teacher, also pretty, but you saw her, I'm telling you! So, they took it, as I understood it, in order to give legitimacy to my picnic on the contrary, so that no one finds fault, but the opposite happens. It turned out that they, with the knowledge of the teacher, went into the polluted river. And because the whole company was punished at once.

- Clear. But Anton, why are you telling me about this? In principle, it is a pity, though they are all bitches, but beautiful girls! Yes, and there is a normal river, nothing will happen to them, nothing was punished. But I still do not understand why you tell me about it?

- Eh, you didn't hear the main thing! The punishment is that the next week they will stay after class, and I don’t even know what to do, they will probably read some notations. But the main thing is not this, the main thing is how we turn the situation to our advantage!

After hearing the proposal, Dimon even doubted that the river was safe for health. Maybe a friend had been swimming in it for too long? Perhaps you should beware, and do not go there anymore. She clearly somehow affects the brain. Because such, as suggested by Anton, a normal person does not come up. Arrange all punished physical! This is necessary so dolbanutsya! Reason de excellent turned out! And so what, they just need to pretend to be specially hired doctors, whom the management specifically delivered to care for the health of students.

- So what don't you like, I can't understand? You looked at them through binoculars, you liked it. Now look close!

- They know us in the face, did you even think about it ?!

“I beg you,” the friend grimaced. - Who knows your face there? For them, all the wines on one person! They don’t notice us at all, they just pass by.

- Yes, but ... - it was even difficult to find a reasonable argument for such nonsense. - But we are too young! Yes, you're a little older, but still!

- Yes, stop it, at twenty-three you will go down completely. Wear a robe, glasses, behave more confidently - such a doctor will leave you, you will rock!

Dimon thought. No, not that I thought, but at least I made such a thought. In principle, they could get into the medical room. After classes, there is still no one there, but Anton assured that he had already opened the lock. And it was better not to think how he had such skills. No strangers nearby at the evening are also expected, all of them had more interesting activities, except to hang around at the medical room. Further, the need for inspection for girls will not be so shocking. In principle, it is quite logical to conduct an inspection on the occasion of swimming. And if you accurately let them know about it, they will not even be alerted. But there were shortcomings.

- Listen, how are we going to go for the doctors? We will need to take some tests from them!

- Yes, no problem at all! Do you ever get blood from your finger? Well, then you know how to do it! I rummaged on the Internet, all these devices are in a completely free sale! I was also surprised when I found out. It is better not to take a breech, you know, God protects you! So it is better to buy, neto will still discover the shortage, they will start looking for ... Well, him! Here are all sorts of bathrobes, stethoscopes - this is already in the medical room, I have seen, and it is better to buy any expenditure. I have already found where it is sold, today I will buy it. It will be necessary to go to the city for such an occasion, so do not blame me, you are alone today. And then tomorrow we will practice on each other.

- Yes, but ... But still the idea is stupid, they will not undress in front of us!

- This is why it will not be? - Anton was indignant. - They have a serious discipline here, and they were given a serious scolding! It is they who spit on us from the high bell tower, and they listen to the leadership, be sure! If you hint that they may have problems for refusing to participate in the inspection - they will undress, and how! And I really liked their breasts like, and I want to cuddle! Agree, why are you! I am one such thing ..
still do not crank.

After another ten minutes of such persuasion, Dimon surrendered, and agreed to participate in this madness. No, he himself, of course, is not averse to cuddle these paws, but he gave the plan to complete insanity! But because the guy still hoped that Anton would think things over once again, and abandon this idea. And if not? He had already agreed to participate. And now just come up and say that he changed his mind? Somehow it's not cool! After all, it will fall in the eyes of the friend. And who was pulling his tongue at all ?! And everything else and one left. And what will he do this evening? Maybe at least some educational videos to watch in the internet? According to medicine.

“Hello,” they knocked on the office at the appointed hour. - And we are on inspection, can I?

“Yes, yes, of course,” Anton graciously allowed. - Three go.

- Oh, and we are four, can everyone at once? Because, well ... if there are three, then one will turn out to be waiting under the door.

- How four? Should you have more ?! Where are the others?! Eight people promised me! We prepared specifically for the eight.

- Yy, we do not know ... We saw the announcement, we came, here ...

- Listen, do you understand that this is all serious? Your health depends on it! Because if you do not care about your health, then the university does not! Responsible for you, understand? You should have been warned that turnout is required!

- Well, there was hanging on the door ...

Anton really did not come up with anything better than to post an ad on the door to the audience, which seemed to be considered the official place of imprisonment. Whether they study there in extra time, or they simply get bored, but in any case, the ad read everything, there could be no doubt about it.

- Hanging ... not the door ... You could have verbally warned you, or even under a painting, so that there were no such surprises! In general, go, who came. Yes, all four of you go, which is already there. And the rest then warn that they will have serious problems. You are a great substitute for the administration of the university, you are responsible for it, he said! So pass it on!

- Oh, we say yes. We ... did not know simply.

- Student let's, who came, I must mark you.

However, Anton nevertheless noted that one of the girls, having heard the news, began to call her friend, urging her to urgently appear. It seems like not quite bad. Although all the same ... If they were real doctors, they would not have left it. They reprimanded, re-examined, whatever. But it can not be such that some were examined, but others were simply forgotten! And this can be a problem! But it was still too late to give the back one, and today's inspection should be carried out absolutely exactly!

- Do you have any complaints, or, perhaps, your friends who did not appear? Nausea, dizziness, skin redness, general well-being?

- No, no, that you, nothing like that, we all feel great! - Assured one of the students, and the rest together nodded in response.

- So, - said Anton, - let's agree with you on the future, that each will speak for itself. If I ask something, then do not speak for all. And if someone did not feel anything, then say: "I did not feel." And, if someone has not heard complaints from absent girlfriends - say so: “I haven’t heard”. Although it is a disgrace that they are not! - It really bothered. - In general, there are no complaints, I understand you. However, I must upset you, it does not mean anything. Symptoms may appear later, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. And it is better not to wait for them, but to warn. In order, in fact, the leadership of the university and conducts this inspection. In general, everything is clear with you, well, let's get started. Take off t-shirts.

Cuties were embarrassed, stood in indecision, but, in the end, repaired. And the guys began to examine them. They listened with a stethoscope, measured the pressure, examined it externally, looking for reddening of the skin, and even looked into the mouth. Dimon even caught himself thinking that he had somehow never looked into his mouth to anyone. He could hardly say what he wanted to find there, but what he saw surprised him. Somehow, a bit wrong, he imagined his mouth. But he had to believe what he saw. It was obvious that everything was somewhat more complicated than he had imagined. However, these thoughts quickly flew out of his head when his friend gave the command:

- So, now take off your bras.

Simply, briefly, without explanation. This is what a real doctor should say. It seems to be. At least Dimon did not remember that the doctors were particularly courteous, they just talk about the case, so, in theory, a friend did everything right. Anton even tried not to put any intonation in his phrase, trying to talk about it as something taken for granted. Although the moment, in fact, was culminating. After all, it is for this that they all started. A lot has been solved now.

“Uh, doctor, tell me, is it impossible without it?” - One of the girls was terrified, and her friends nodded in response.

- Without this - it is impossible! - Anton clearly cut off. - Chest is a very sensitive place, and it was there that symptoms could appear first. So let's shoot, we must examine you.

It was obvious that the girls were frightened, began to look at each other with each other, and make a difficult decision. It was unfair that they had to bare themselves in front of men just because they went for a swim! Although, on the other hand, suddenly something really wrong with them? Yes, and did not want to irritate the administration again. Once the experts were specially called, it means that they are serious. Reluctantly, one at first, then the other, and then the others, reached for the clasps on their backs. Although, stripped to the waist, they still covered their hands.

“So, Marina, come near me and put your hands behind your back,” Anton said cheerfully.

“Angela, you come to me then,” Dimon called a little less confidently.

Anton felt his chest, pressed on it, pinched, and at the same time asked whether there is pain, and if she does not feel discomfort. And poor Marina should have endured it, and saying no, everything is in order. Although she felt discomfort, and even some! But every day a completely unfamiliar man, even a doctor, is pawing at your chest? That's the same thing! And why did she even climb into this damned river ?! This is all Light, it was she who shot everything! And Marina did not want to swim at all! Do you prove it to someone now? Now here she stands with a bare chest in front of a very young guy, and he also allows himself to be pawed! And all because of this bitch! Which did not come here at all, and that nobody paws! This is unfair! Marina absolutely was sure of it.

- So, now I pinch harder, get ready. If sharp pain does not appear, then this is a good sign. So, one, two, three ...

- Ay! - Marina broke away.

- Well, in the normal range, I congratulate you. But all the same it will be necessary to take tests, wait then. Ira, and you come up, hands behind his back.

But Dimon did not feel so confident. especially for He generally had a woman's breast paw twice in his life, and that was under his clothes, and with a girl he knew well. But so that straight two boobs in front of his nose and lapai-do not want, this he has not yet had. And with happiness pockmarked in the eyes. At first it was scary to even touch. But in the end, it was necessary to pretend, and therefore, having overcome himself, the guy gently touched his hand. Angela flinched. The guy initially straightened his hand, but quickly mastered himself, and stretched again. The nipple was soft, but at the same time elastic. And a little silky and pleasant to the touch. Hand very comfortable lay on it.

Dimon felt a little ill at ease, and therefore quickly released Angela, and began to take Oksana. Like the second time is not so scary. Although all the same, the mandrax was piercing! Two new ..

The nipple turned out to be a little smaller than the previous ones, but on the other hand, it was no worse than quality! In addition, this time the guy decided to talk with his girlfriend, and began to ask questions. The funny situation in general came out, pawed like that on the chest of a stranger, and he stands obediently, and even talks about sensations. But still Dimon, for some nafig, let go early and Oksana. And now I just missed, looking at the ceiling. I felt like a fool! He, in fact, absolutely no one and did not hurry anywhere, and it was quite possible to shake cuties a little more. Tell me, when will he have such a chance ?! Although of course, on the other hand, he received today not a little. Four tits and all of it! Stopudovo day was not in vain!

- Dmitry, come here, I want you to take a look.

- What? - Dimon rose from his seat, and approached a friend.

“Look, nothing seems strange to you here,” Anton pointed to the bottom of the left nipple.

- Hmm, like no. However, let me feel, - The guy took a causal place while the girl obediently stood with her hands behind her back.

- Try pinching. Harder. It seems to me that Vika reacts too violently to pressing, although she assures us that she does not feel sharp pain. Do you think this can be a symptom?

- I have ... my nipples are just very sensitive. And ... and no one ever tweaked them!

- Maybe, maybe this is the case. Colleague, so what do you think?

“It seems to me that everything is within the normal range,” Dimon let go of the nipple, which pinched while the girl assured that no one else had done this.

- So it seemed to me. Then the last test, Vika, get ready, now I will pinch more, one, two, three.

- Awth!

- What, really hurt? This can be a symptom! The pain was sharp, it was impossible to endure?

- No, I ... I ... I feel fine. Common pain, this happens when you grab your chest!

- Are you sure? You said no one did this before. But sorry, sorry, this is not my business! But come again, I have to repeat the test. This is the last time I promise.

Though it was hard for Vika to decide on this, she must endure! Last time, and it will all end! She lowered her hands, which she managed to close, and again approached the doctor, gritting her teeth. Whatever happens, she won't scream! Not something else will decide that something is really wrong with her, and ... and ... And what exactly will happen then? What's the difference, in any case, nothing good! Therefore, the girl bravely suffered other people's hands on her chest, her breathing became faster, but Vika remained standing still, and did not utter a moan. And, like, the doctor was pleased. Cattle!

- Ok, now take off your pants.

- What! But you ... you said it all!

- No not like this. I said that we finished with the chest. And, I congratulate you all, the symptoms have not yet been identified. Anyway, obvious symptoms. But the lower half of the body also needs to be examined, especially the feet. Girls, do not pull the rubber, undress soon.

And the girls began to bare further. Obviously, they decided that they had nothing to lose, but to leave this place with a scandal after the fact that they had already suffered was somehow silly. And, as soon as they had time to undress, they knocked on the door.

- Hello, we are on inspection, he passes here? - Four latecomers arrived, and obviously could not wait for their turn. At least one of them.

- Yes exactly. It’s good that you decided to visit us, ”said Anton, not without malice, but with relief,“ but we are now examining your girlfriends, wait a bit. Soon they will come out, and then you will stop by.

- You do not understand, I am the head of the group, I want to talk to Nadezhda Semenovna.

- Nadezhda Semenovna is not there now, her working day is over. My colleague and I conduct an inspection, we are specialists in infectious diseases, - Anton did not know what the infectious disease specialists are called, but he decided that the term itself sounds quite scientific. - And I ask you to wait your turn.

“No, you don't understand,” the girl put her foot in the closing door. - I am Svetlana Skvortsova, the head of the group, and I need to talk with who you are in charge here.

- Oh, God, I'm in charge! Come in, what do you want? Although, whatever it is, I suppose it could wait.

- You see, I am the head of the group, and I have a few questions ... owls.

The newcomer looked at the picture. Very, it should be noted, picturesque! Four girlfriends in shorts alone sparkled with all the charms in front of men. Although no, they did not sparkle. Covered up. But they probably already managed to sparkle, Sveta was absolutely sure of that! After all, they were even embarrassed to sunbathe without a bra, no persuasions helped. And, here are those on, undressed in front of men!

- So, what did you want? Only I ask quickly, and then wait for your turn, because now you are tearing us away from current affairs.

- I ... I wanted to know in advance the order of the medical examination. However, it does not matter, now this question has disappeared, I see it myself. Tell me, is it possible, as a group elder, to stay here and observe?

However, Anton did not allow it, and literally pushed the sassy out of the office. Let him wait his turn! He didn't show her the show just here! Here they are, by the way, busy! They have four girls in shorts! They "doctors" and took up further. All had smooth legs, and they had to be examined very carefully! Especially the inner side of the thighs. Pinch there was for nothing! And then they took blood from a finger. In the first half of the day, friends fairly tolerably learned how to do it on top of each other, and therefore there were no problems here. It was still possible to take an analysis of feces and urine, but the guys were absolutely unnecessary, and therefore it was decided to do without it. Then the girls were allowed to dress, and they gave goodbye to the semi-packs of vitamin pills each, telling them to take one a day after meals. For these purposes, Anton bought four low-priced packs of ten, and cut each in half with scissors. At the same time they will not get much insight into what they were given. After that launched a new group.

- So, girls, come in, immediately take off your clothes to your underwear. So it is necessary, I learned, - the warden commanded. - And I'll catch up with the rest, I need to clarify a couple of questions.

- No need to catch up with anyone, stay too, inspection is necessary for everyone, - replaced Anton.

- One moment, I will come very soon, inspect the rest for now.

The girl fluttered out of the office, while the other three began to slowly take off their clothes. On so slowly that they even had to hurry. Then everything went on as usual, except for the fact that the cuties undressed at once, and they did not have to mollify for a long time. Apparently they already knew in advance what was waiting for them, and they were morally ready. And, generally speaking, it was very nice of Sveta to help them with a little inspection. Can she feel her not so much when she returns? Although no, Anton immediately drove this crazy idea. On the contrary, she would rather take it more calmly. Yes, and she sunbathed topless, again, then it should be more relaxed. You can even take off her panties.

The elder returned just as the rest were looking at the chest. And entered without knocking. The girls immediately recoiled from the men's hands and closed. But only Sveta herself made a remark to them, and ordered to return to the place. The others watched as well, she recognized. But their clothes down something not in a hurry. And in general, was actively interested in what is happening. Especially the girl was interested in what the doctors are doing now, and why the breast is being examined. And the question was not a drop of the call, or the desire to argue. Rather, she recognized it as necessary, but wanted to know the details. It was necessary to explain that the symptoms occur, as a rule, in the most sensitive places, there may be redness, peeling of the skin, and touching such areas may be painful, and tweaks are performed. Sveta marveled and continued to observe. And when made a comment ..

she personally - with a brazen air, stated that she would undergo an inspection later. All the same, doctors have something to do, so she will just wait on the side of her turn. But aside, she did not sit! On the contrary, she poked her nose wherever possible. Even personally pinched the nipple girlfriend! But here, Anton could not stand it, and ordered either to undress herself or leave the office! She didn’t want to do either of the madcap, but, by the way, she really started to act quietly, and they decided not to touch her. And without it, enough cases! Yes, and decided to make the end more interesting.

“Well, everyone can dress and be free.” Except wiki. Vick, take off your panties, and sit on the couch.

- What?! I?! Why me?! Others ... that they do not need it?

- No, they do not need. Their condition does not cause me questions. And your feet are very sensitive, touch causes pain, so I want to conduct a more detailed examination.

- My feet are normal! I just do not like when they paw! I get dressed and leave! I will file a complaint to the rector, you will be fired!

- We are not employees of the university, we were invited exactly for this inspection, so complaints to the rector are not very scary for us. And you, of course, can refuse, we just put a record that you have not been tested. And here you will soon have problems.

- You know, I still risk it! - The girl reached for the clothes.

- So, well, stand! What kind of frills ?!

- Light, well, you heard ...

- I heard! I heard everything! Doctors doubt your health, and they need to make sure! Or maybe you decided to infect all of us?

- It's not contagious, they said it themselves! - Anton really said so in response to one of the questions, did not want to increase panic. - Well, bathed, and now, naked to undress?

“If you have to be naked, you will be naked,” the headman snapped. - The rest for some reason beyond suspicion. I am seriously telling you, I will not let you walk with us if you do not pass inspection! Well, let's take off your pants and sit on the couch!

Unable to believe what is happening, Vika took off the only remaining item of clothing and remained in its original form. She closed her pubis palm and sat down. And of course, she was immediately told to remove her hand, who would doubt! I had to obey. And then another, burning with shame, spread your legs apart. Sit on the edge! To open your own bosom with your fingers, and provide a first-class review! And this is not even gynecologists! And in general, she preferred to be checked by women! And even shaved the day before yesterday, as if specifically for these bastards! The eldest of them immediately nestled between her legs, and carefully looked at everything. I felt it. Straight with your hairy hand! Pinched! Vika almost howled in pain and surprise! He took a stroke, and allowed to rise. Yes early rejoiced! I had to bend down, push the ass, opening a first-class view and there, after which she had a smear taken from behind. Then really allowed to dress and leave.

“Guys, I recognized you,” the elder became more outspoken when the door closed behind the others. - I could not understand what you are and where I could see you. I see something familiar, but I can't remember what. And then it dawned on! Here you are, Anton, right? Is it your real name? I saw you cut the grass in the garden. Yes, we almost collided! After that, remember you, Dima, is no longer difficult. You work here too. In general, I praise you; I give you all five points for the venture! But for the implementation of four, I'm sorry. And to you Dim, in general the three, and that with a stretch. But nothing, your friend pulled you out.

- Ok, now you know everything, and what do you intend to do? - Evil hissed Anton.

- Well, I will definitely not undress, do not even dream. Enough with you today the female body! But what to do ... Can you do me a favor?

- Or will you hand over us, I understand correctly? And you know what, not really wanted to work here!

- Well, well, not so fast! First, I helped you today? Tell me, helped or not? That's the same thing! Vick is actually a section for you. So you can say I owe now. And secondly, you know, for what you did to one dismissal, you can not stop there. So, will you help me in one case?

- What?