Recently wrote a post about the experience GMG with her husband. How they held up moralists. Well, even if you tear enough of that I went on this experiment, I often send him their private photos. And once came to his office and whispered that I was without panties, he drove everyone to dinner and fucked right on your desktop. He could see that poor table), then I was sitting under him and made her husband a Blowjob and, as it turned out, he forgot to close the door, and entered his employ, I shrank into a corner, so no one noticed, but we were laughing long afterwards. Besides, I was fucked by two Dicks at the same time, and what one of them is black... )))rubber, in a sex shop and bought it.

Yes, I'm a whore, even though the man in my life was and will be the only one I whore for my husband. And chef, friend, partner, inspiration and happy woman. And, Yes, I forgave infidelity, found the strength, despite the pain, not only by truly forgive and to let go of it in himself, but also to understand their causes and to improve. What do we have to boast of? No, I just used as many considered themselves deeply unhappy, sat at home with a small daughter, nagged her husband about money, due to the fact that is not to say compliments due to the fact that he is all the time at work and does nothing around the house. Sex was once a week, and I was doing it for show. And when he learned about infidelity, first hysteria, then he rose in his place: he works like a dog so we had everything, then comes home, and there my unhappy face and always the patient's head, and he puts up with it. Why? Yes, because he loves...
Love your men, keep, always try to understand unlock in bed (of course within your moral comfort),always perfect for him, and for yourself. Slip the center of your universe from himself to her husband will notice he will change, he will go to the mountain all his work, behind successful man is always a caring woman, he will start with you blow off dust particles. America, of course I discovered just my version of the recipe of family happiness.
And about the comment about the child that sees my kid: dad loves mom, mom loves dad, like it or withdraw parents, they never shout or swear, decent, loving family, however once a week sent to her grandmother.