Our family never needed the money because I earn good money as a top Manager of one large company. At the same time, I was, of course, when the wife decided to have a small business, the more that you open your fitness club - was her long-time dream (she's got an ex-sportsman, master of sports in gymnastics) . It is a small establishment located on the ground floor of one of the houses and the big income does not bring, but the wife was very happy that she has her own business and I was also happy for her. Once, in the winter, her car broke down, and the damage was serious enough (there is something with the engine happened) , but for some reason she didn't want to take the service to another vehicle in replacement for the repair time (said, they say, is how to replace someone's favorite person, yet he is sick) and, accordingly, I had to go after work to pick her up from the club. My call at the door from the intercom came the disgruntled voice of an elderly man: what are You doing, young man? The club is closed! - I know, I'm for Elena Alexandrovna came home to pick her up. I replied. After a short pause, the door squeaked and the same voice asked me: 'come in! In a small narrow corridor behind the Desk sat a gray-haired man with a mustache. I immediately realized that it was the night watchman Vasily Petrovich or uncle Bob, as he was called by his wife. She was very proud of them, said that he is a veteran of some sort of special forces and is very conscientious about his work and pay him a small salary - it's cheaper than to put the room under police guard. - Something she didn't say anything about the fact that her driver will come - suspiciously said the watchman. - Forgot probably - indeferenten I shook shoulders, and she is where? - She's going, she'll be back, Yes, You just take a seat over there, having said that, uncle Bob pointed me to a chair in the corner, near which settled on the floor boy of twelve with a book. I knew immediately that it was Ivan, his wife told me that this waif who she sometimes allows to sleep in the club, on humanitarian grounds. Then the doorbell again, someone called. - Come On, Maksut! - muttered Vasili Petrovich, clicking on a hidden button. The door squeaked again and appeared on the threshold Tajik about my age, wearing overalls, a sweatshirt and a bucket in hand. About him I also heard from the couple. It was a local janitor, who was chopping ice in front of the door of the club and cleaned the surrounding area. - Salaam alaikum! - he said Hello, talking to everyone, but especially for a Keeper - uncle Vasya, let a bucket of hot water to dial, and then I have a truck to trash the drive, then froze, and to yourself to go far. - Go ahead! - nodded Vasily Petrovich, - as come, down the corridor second door on the left, only your feet, but it is careful, the owner will swear. Yeah, I'll be back! - said Maksut, carefully rubbing the boots on the Mat before the door and walking into the room. A few seconds after he disappeared around the corner of the corridor, he heard the cry of my wife: - Oh, well, who else is there! Come out immediately! After a while, flushed the caretaker with an empty bucket stood in front of our eyes. - Where you got, geezer? - began to fight the guard, - well I told you, second door on the left, and you're in the locker room snooping! Oh, and I will fly for you now! Don't be angry, uncle Vasya, - if you will have obradovalsya Maksut, I'm a little misled... Misled, he - said Vasily Petrovich, slightly departing from his righteous anger - at Least not knowingly misled? Seen what? - Well, a little embarrassed said Maksut, she towel was quickly closed. - In fact, business - like tone noticed silent until now, Ivan, if you go from the gym, there is one place in the drywall broke, just where the locker room, and there in the gap is very even all well seen. - Oh, that's what trash here in the evenings! - jokingly said the guard, winking at us - naked women to stare go! - Not without it, - quietly said the boy closed the book, want to see? - What? Elena, our eminent woman, there is something to admire, thoughtfully responded to the proposal of Ivan Vasily Petrovich and already turning to me suddenly asked: - And you will not give us the driver? - No, thank You! I would be very interested to look - tried I dispel doubts of uncle Vasya. And while I did not lie, I suddenly really started to pique the prospect of spying on his own wife with these men. The crack in the wall, though, and was quite narrow, but from floor to ceiling, so the viewing point, enough for all. My wife is not too in a hurry, apparently believing that I was late, and standing completely naked in front of a mirror slathered yourself with all sorts of creams. - Wow! - spellbound whispered Vasily Petrovich, stepping away from the wall - Oh, I have twenty years now to lose, I would have gone, showed her what's what! - Shaitan! - outraged one, - Why say so! I also do not iron, now rush to her and do something, and then mopped. - And then our - suddenly energetically whispered to the janitor caretaker, you the man though where, even basurmanin, go! - Yes you that, uncle Vasya, how could I?! - Go, not sumlevayus, he said Vasily Petrovich, - you see, persuading the woman, and ezhli Cho, take a sin on soul, may say that is not doglyadeli for you, Elena Aleksandrovna woman forgiving with the concept. Forgive us fools. Maksut again looked at us crazy eyes and walked away from the gym. This would probably cost me to reveal myself that I am neither a driver, and the husband of Elena Alexandrovna and all to stop, but instead, giving in to some strange feeling, unseen even earlier, I along with the rest of continued to watch what will happen next. Soon the door slowly opened and there entered timidly Maksut, the way he had dropped somewhere in his sweater and was now wearing overalls and a t-shirt. - Oh, mommy!!! - my wife screamed, Bouncing off the mirror in the corner between the lockers and covering themselves with hands - How did you get here? Get out now! - Vasily Petrovich got me some water, and he... fell asleep, so I decided to... to come to You, suschevo began to explain to the janitor. Why? - trembling voice asked my wife, her eyes searching out something to cover his nakedness, however, the closest suitable object (towel) lying at the other end of the locker room and now between her and him stood Maksut! Go away or I'll scream! - threatened Lena.