I am nineteen years old. But I have been married for four months. My husband and I grew up in the same yard. But he is two years older than me. I grew up shy girl. God offended me with growth. Only meter fifty five. I am a slim and slim girl looking. Marriage has not affected my physique in any way. But for some reason Vovik loved me and we got married. I lost innocence only after marriage. Although his dick for the first time picked up two months before the wedding. He was very persuading me to help. And I learned how to massage him, in short I jerked him off. Although very red and shy. And three months after the wedding came into the taste and began to quickly end. And now, after four months, when I got pregnant, he went on a voyage for six months. All the money. And as soon as I was left alone, then all day and night I had one desire to feel his member in me. Even masturbation does not help.

I can not even understand how it happened, but I stand on all fours with cancer, and on the back of our knees is our neighbor. He is over fifty. It is two meters tall and weighs a hundred. From childhood I was afraid of him. He was so big and scary. And now I can not even understand where I am, at home or at his place. He just smeared my pussy cream and is already trying on the back. In my opinion, my pussy is already flowing from fear and desire. He is the first after her husband to shove his instrument into my pussy, which has been spoiled by loneliness (I want to say my cunt).

I feel his huge cock crushing my pussy and starting to push my slit. It is good that he is not in a hurry and lets me enjoy the moment of penetration. But now he is almost inside and I feel that my hole is too small for him. She begins to stretch and get hurt. How nice that Uncle Pasha smeared me with cream. His penis is slowly slipping inside me, stretching to the pain of the vaginal wall. But the pain is pleasant. I did not even know that men can have such thick limbs. But now his head rested against the wall of the uterus, reached the end, and I felt my ass rested on his stomach. So that the length was just right. With the movements of his body, he began gently hammering my pussy, gradually increasing the pace. It seemed to me that he would tear me apart, and I wanted this. His hot dick walked in me delivering incomparable pleasure.

I probably finished in two minutes. My legs clenched, I stretched out and bent in an arc, but Uncle Pasha held me tightly by the hips and, as soon as I relaxed, he began to stretch my relaxed body on his cock. He was on his knees and stretching his hands with me, speeding up the pace. After another five minutes, I felt an even stronger orgasm and started screaming. Uncle Pasha at that moment snarled and began to pour into me. So we simultaneously with a scream and a growl ended. After a minute we fell silent. His sausage continued to slide smoothly. There was no more pain. Finally he began to take me off his dick. This movement also brought me pleasant moments.

He turned me to his face, pressed, kissed my lips and asked:

- Well, baby, did you like Uncle Pasha?

“Yes,” I answered truthfully, blushing and blushing.

And then we drank tea in his kitchen. We sat naked after a shower. He didn't let me get dressed. I drank tea and held his dick in my hand. It was an unforgettably pleasant feeling. He liked that too. I even felt his stick start to swell.

Baby, he said. You do not have to endure without a husband, it is very harmful. You can come in when I'm at home. I will help you. Next time I'll be fucking you. Yes, and sperm you need to drink. This is useful. Do you like to suck?

- I have never tried it yet.

- Especially you need to try.

At night I dreamed all night long his member.

When the next day I crossed the threshold of his apartment and saw his huge figure, my heart sank again with fright. And he, right in the hallway, pulled up my dress and ripped off my panties and planted me on the dick. And so the dick carried me into the room. When he brought me to the couch, then I was hanging on a dick and started to cum violently against my hairy chest. I realized that I finally clung to this terrible old man. After that, I obediently carried out all his ideas, and the taste of sperm became familiar and pleasant.